Einweihung Augenklinik Techiman

Eröffnungsrede von Dr. Jobst Isbary anlässlich der feierlichen Eröffnung der Augenklinik des Holy Family Hospitals Techiman am 1. Februar 2023
Nana Amponsah Yeboah, Chairman of the Ceremony,
My Lord, dear Most Reverend Dominic Yeboah Nyarko,
Mister George Padmore, Representative of the Regional minister of Bono East
Mister Peter Kwame Yeboah, Executive Director of CHAG,
Dr. Fred Adamako-Boateng, Regional Director of Health Services Bono East
Ladies and Gentleman
The primary goal was to do more to combat eye diseases in the Bono East Region. So we, Chris Akanbobnaab and the German Rotary Volunteer Doctors, 2017 sat down to think about the possibilities of expanding the eye clinic at the Holy Family Hospital.
Now, 6 years later, we are faced with a very successful result (as we have already heard from previous speakers), an eye clinic with excellent equipment and expertise.
In the first step, a Global Grant from Rotary International had to be initiated in order to have a project roadmap and also a financial framework. Julia Seifert from GRVD tackled this with the RC Lüdenscheid-Zeppelin. RC Essen-Ruhr provided the construction financing and Chris Akanbobnaab and his team
organized the site and construction excellently.
A clinic partnership with the eye clinic of the Sankt Johannes Hospital in Dortmund under Prof. Kohlhaas was agreed and an exchange of ophthalmologists with Dr. Osei Agyeman took place.
IN 2020 COVID-19 appeared. Of course, the pandemic stopped everything. On the one hand exchange and activities were interrupted, but on the other hand we got the chance to communicate more intensive via video chat, ZOOM. We took the time to plan in detail and then, when it was possible again, proceeded efficiently to go ahead. It was a stroke of luck to get ophthalmologist Dr. Otto Dollinger on board, not only because of his extensive technical and practical experience, but also from a financial point of view. Like himself, many members of our Rotary Club Biberach started fundraising activities for the eye clinic, for example as donation purpose on jubilees, including Friend Kolesch at the 200-year celebration of his fashion store. A barnstorming charity concert by the Biberach Rotary Clubs was organized also for this purpose. A lot of financial support was given from the Rotarian sponsors: The Rotary
Clubs of Essen, Techiman and Willich, Districts 1870, 1900 and 1930 and of course The Rotary Foundation.
Furthermore, the planning, the clinic layout and the set-up of the necessary equipment were decisive for the success. Here the HFH team with Dr. Agyeman and Chris Akanbobnaab along with Dr. Dollinger did a great job. In addition to the acquisition of the latest hardware, including laser technology, technical training in the sense of software went hand in hand.
GRVD is proud to provide support to the HFH Techiman in its successful development and be a reliable partner over many years now. In addition to volunteer activities, it started in 2010 with surgical equipment. In the years that followed, a maternity, operating theatre, urology equipment, ambulance
vehicles, autoclave, endoscopy and ultrasound equipment, oxygen plant, emergency including CT, resuscitation center, NICU and finally the eye clinic contributed to the expansion of the HFH. Other projects such as Orthopaedics, Sterilisation and Laundry are planned.
We are grateful to do all this together with the HFH team for the benefit of the Bono East population. For GRVD activities in Techiman are always easy because we always deal with very friendly people.
All that remains for me now is to say many thanks to all who have contributed to the success of this important project:
First of all Most Reverend Dominic Yeboah Nyarko and his administrator, Rotary Friend Chris Akanbobnaab and the entire staff of the HFH!
GRVD and I personally would like to thank all the people and institutions I have already mentioned, especially Rotary. Together they have made this "state-of-the-art eye clinic" a reality.
May the HFH eye clinic have an ongoing successful future and may God's
blessings continue.
Many Thanks
Jobst Isbary